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Jewellery care

We believe that jewellery is not only a piece of decoration, but also a means of communication and an artistic artefact. Wear our jewelry boldly on your body, in the heart of the one who gave it to you, and keep the following lines in mind:We believe that jewellery is not only a piece of decoration, but also a means of communication and an artistic artefact. Wear our jewelry boldly on your body, in the heart of the one who gave it to you, and keep the following lines in mind:

them from chemicals, wear and tear from manual labor or sports, bathroom rituals from showering to applying cosmetics (perfume, hairspray, etc.). The most delicate and pearly ones should "fall asleep" separately.

Store them dry, in closed spaces (jewellery boxes) at room temperature and optimally separately.

Care for them when needed and remember that different materials may require different handling. Avoid abrasives when maintaining our silver and gold jewellery. At home, we recommend cleaning with a soft toothbrush in lukewarm water and dish detergent. For gold-plated jewellery, avoid mechanical cleaning, which can disturb the finish. Heavier soiling and oxidised surfaces can usually be dealt with by a chemical silver cleaner. You can also use it on jewellery with diamonds or precious stones from the Affirmo collection. However, it should never come into contact with, for example, pearls or patinated jewellery. When handling, make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and protect yourself.


Pearls? Please pay attention. This natural jewel is more susceptible to pressure or abrasion, which is hard to resist when worn continuously. Think carefully about what adventures you will take together. Consistently protect your pearl jewelry from all chemicals, soaking in water, and higher temperatures (even steam over a pot is a sneaky enemy).

Remember, we made the jewelry with love, so your door is forever open with us. We will be happy to advise and assist you, and we will provide a free first fitting adjustment if the size doesn't fit.