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Pretty Bloody Good

Predict your own future, collect silver stones for good luck.

Pretty Bloody Goodis a most welcome fate in the art of fortune telling. It’s also a play on words with the fashion brand PBG, for whom we created the first line of jewellery inspired by a form of divination that uses animal bones. They look like smooth meditation stones that have been dug out of the earth and encased in a perfect mirror so you can see your own reflection. A looking glass into your future.




Affirmo will give you strength on your journey to the present.
Eliška reflects on a year spent in the pandemic and on her transformation into a mother, coming into direct contact with both life and death.The birth of her son instilled in her the greatest affirmation of her life, which is simply:I AM. Awareness of the present moment, pain, joy, love, the self... Affirmo is dominated by rings, where the present moment is manifested in the fluid stroke of the lettersJSEM(IAM). These words encircle gemstones that we carefully selected so as to evoke love and moral support


Cracked lips, despair... Imagine a life with no home,belongingnowhere, not welcome anywhere. Asingle tear streams down your face. Salty, like the beads of sweat that you wipe away with yourcamouflage scarf.The polished and cool surface of the jewellery nostalgically evokes the caress of water, so pure andclear. But it also mirrors a pressing humanitarian problem and our concern over the growing scarcityof fresh water.

The SO collection won theCzech Grand DesignAward in2019.


Spirit Offline

A virtual world. Where does it begin and where does it end? Hidden behind a mask of perfection, allthat is real is forgotten. The internet, freedom trapped in its net.Making you fall in love with delusion.Living through others vicariously and hating sincerely. How often do you reflect on what you’redoing?And why is that? Do you know who your friends are? #ifeeltheimage

22words and phrases, 22shapesand formsof jewellery.Thepiecestook their shape from themovement of fingertips grazing the #qwerty keyboard. We used 3D models to embody the resultingabstract trajectories in the jewellery pieces. Intimate reminders of #mymind #offline.


New Archeology

Imagine the world the year everything faded away. What was once customary has become a luminous story written in binary code. What was once reality has dissolved into a vast sea of information. Even an ordinary piece of bread must now be cast in metal and preserved for the generations of the distant future...Imagine the world the year everything faded away. What was once customary has become a luminous story written in binary code. What was once reality has dissolved into a vast sea of information. Even an ordinary piece of bread must now be cast in metal and preserved for the generations of the distant future...
New Archeology is a message for future generations, where a loaf of bread is worth its weight in gold. The basic symbols of home, family, humility and warmth lend the jewellery its un deniable structure and significance.


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